Laboratory diagnostics is a large complex of works, including a general examination of the patient, and also, if necessary, some additional methods using special instruments.
Most often in medicine resort to laboratory diagnostics, since it primarily helps to detect any irregularities in the functioning of the body. These are various blood tests (general, clinical, for ESR, leukocytes), urine and feces, hormone tests, PCR, enzyme immunoassay (ELISA), etc.
Laboratory diagnostics is often performed several times: to establish the type of disease, during its treatment, a so-called "control analysis" is conducted to monitor the recovery process and after the end of treatment, which reveals a complete cure. Obtaining the most accurate results, correctly selected methods, including laboratory ones, is provided by a number of factors, mainly highly skilled personnel, modern equipment, and application of advanced laboratory technologies.
Modern medicine has reached such a level of development that many diseases, including the most serious, are cured at an early stage. That is why it is so important to notice in time the slightest disturbances in the body and the accompanying symptoms and to go to a medical institution.
The laboratory is one of the leading departments of the Center with a highly qualified human potential, it is equipped with modern equipment. More than 180 methods of laboratory research are being conducted. Including a wide range of general clinical, hematological, biochemical, immunological studies, PCR diagnostics, ELISA diagnostics, RIF.
Studies conducted by PCR:
· HIV infection;
· Hepatitis;
· TORCH-infections (HSV, VEB, rubella, toxoplasmosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, Candidiasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, gardnerellez, HPV).
Studies conducted by ELISA:
· Hepatitis;
· TORCH infections;
· Parasitic infestations (giardiasis, opisthorchiasis, Helicobacteriosis, toxocariasis);
· Urogenital infections (syphilis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis);
· Oncomarkers;
· Hormonal research.
Studies conducted by the RIF method:
· HSV;
· CMV;
· Trichomoniasis;
· Chlamydia;
· Ureaplasmosis;
· Mycoplasmosis;
· Gardnerelez.
Conducted immunological studies:
· Studies of cellular immunity;
· Studies of humoral immunity;
· Phagocytic link;
· Interferons.
Conducted biochemical studies:
· Functional liver tests;
· Additional biochemical studies;
· Glycosylated hemoglobin.
Conducted general clinical and hematological studies:
· Examination of the genital organs to be separated;
· Urine examination;
· Blood tests.
Medical institutions engaged in laboratory research:
Regional Children's Clinical Hospital