Clinical Medical and Surgical Center of the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region (Omsk).

Budgetary healthcare institution of the Omsk region "Clinical Medical and Surgical Center of the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region" was founded on January 18, 2006 on the basis of the Regional Specialized Traumatology and Orthopedics Hospital and Medical Unit No. 10 and absorbed the best traditions of these two largest medical institutions.

The clinical medical and surgical center of the Ministry of Health of the Omsk region, located in Omsk, is a powerful modern multi-disciplinary medical center of European level with the concentration of highly qualified specialists and modern equipment. The basic directions: traumatology (orthopedics), surgery, vertebrology (spinal trauma) gynecology and urology.


The technical equipment of the Center and the qualifications of doctors who fully know modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases allow us to perform organ-preserving and sparing treatment as much as possible. Here technologies are available that are used in countries such as Germany and the United States. The implemented advanced scientific developments allow to significantly shorten the period of rehabilitation of patients after operations. For example, most of them are performed with the help of conductive anesthesia - anesthesia is achieved in a certain area of ​​the body, while maintaining consciousness and independent breathing in the patient. This technique allows to achieve minimal rehabilitation after anesthesia, and practically has no harmful effect on the human body. Also, most interventions are minimally invasive, that is, a minimal incision is made during surgery. This allows you to shorten the rehabilitation period to several days. In some cases, patients are discharged already on the 2nd-4th day after the intervention. The number of high-tech operations performed here is constantly growing.


Doctors of the Center are constantly improving their level. So annually more than 100 specialists are sent for studies, congresses and conferences, taking place both in Russia and abroad. The collaborators of the departments conduct scientific activity, within the framework of which articles are constantly published in major medical journals.


Striving for constant development and growth, the Clinical Medical and Surgical Center cooperates with scientists of the Omsk State Medical University. The center has become a clinical base for the departments of surgery, urology, obstetrics and gynecology, traumatology and orthopedics. Presence in the State of heads of departments, professors and assistants allowed to open on the basis of KMSC Interregional Center of Surgery of major joints, microsurgery of the hand and the regional competence center for pancreatic surgery zhelezy.Ezhegodno based KMSC held Interregional Scientific and Practical trauma and orthopedic conference with the participation of leading Russian and foreign specialists . For 40 years, the Phoniatric Center has been functioning on the basis of the Clinical Medico-Surgical Center. Today it is the leading center of the Siberian Federal District, which provides consultative and outpatient assistance in phoniatrics to residents of the city of Omsk, the region and other regions of Russia and the near abroad. This is the only specialized specialized medical center in Russia. In 2017, on the basis of the Clinical Medical and Surgical Center for the Prevention of Repeated Fractures.


In order to cure the walls KMSC is quick and comfortable for patients provides 1-, 2- and 3-bed chamber, fully equipped with all the necessary amenities, including showers, televisions, refrigerators, Wi-Fi. The inspection is carried out by the department head, who carries out additional control over the treatment.



 Traumatology and orthopedics. Some of the best specialists in this field work at the Clinical Medical and Surgical Center. Every year there are thousands of high-tech operations on a total and bipolar knee, shoulder and hip joints using the most advanced materials and components. To integrate complex unstable fractures or restore a part of the bone, one of the progressive technologies - osteosynthesis - is used. Our specialists successfully introduced one- and two-stage revision endoprosthetics (replacement of one of the worn out components or the entire artificial joint) with preoperative 3D planning. On the basis of KMSC there is the only specialized center in Siberia for treatment of septic complications of traumatological and orthopedic profile (osteomyelitis). Priority principles of work here: an individual approach to choosing the treatment method and maximizing the organ-preserving principle of operations.

 Vertebrology. This unique office, engaged in the treatment of severe injuries and congenital spinal injuries: fractures, osteochondrosis, spondylolisthesis (instability and displacement of the vertebrae), herniated discs, inflammatory diseases of the spine (osteomyelitis), tumors of the vertebral bodies. Doctors of the department carried out a unique minimally invasive operations on the spinal pedicle fixation and installation of an artificial disc prosthesis (metastases in the vertebral body and hemangiomas), using vertebloplastiku. 

 Center of hand microsurgery. It is the only center in Western Siberia, where the treatment of all diseases of the hand and forearm from subcutaneous benign to implantation of artificial joints of the fingers and "sew" lost limbs as a result of injury. Doctors-microsurgeons have successfully mastered a new direction - endoprosthetics of interphalangeal joints and wrist joint. Operations are carried out using high-precision digital magnifying technology, which allows you to sew nerve endings with thicknesses of tenths of a millimeter.

 Surgery, including thoracic surgery. On the basis of the Clinical Medico-Surgical Center, the Regional Center for the Surgical Treatment of the Pancreas was created. Also our specialists are engaged in treatment of cholelithiasis and its complications, operations are performed with varicose veins. A separate direction is thoracic surgery. It provides a full range of medical services for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with diseases of the lungs and pleura, diaphragm, esophagus, trachea, benign mediastinal tumors, diseases and consequences of injuries to the ribs and sternum.

 Bariatric surgery. A separate line of work of our Center is surgical treatment of obesity with the help of reducing the stomach and small intestine. As a result, obese patients lose from 50% to 90% of the excess body weight.

 Gynecology and urology. The department of gynecology renders highly qualified help to patients with such diseases as uterine myoma, ovarian cysts, genital endometriosis, various forms of infertility, pathologies of the pelvic floor muscles (partial or complete prolapse of the uterus). Most operations in the department are performed in minimally invasive ways (through small incisions 3-4 cm with subsequent application of cosmetic sutures). A separate direction is the treatment of infertility. The Department of Urology provides assistance in most areas of urology and andrology. Doctors-urologists of the clinic successfully perform the most complicated operations for male infertility and kidney pathologies, surgical interventions are performed under endoscopic and ultrasound control.

 Neurology. The scourge of modern society is various chondroses and jams. Experienced neurologists at the Clinical Medical and Surgical Center will help you get rid of the pain syndrome and choose the right treatment. Also our specialists treat vascular pathologies: ischemic attacks and disorders of the head circulation (strokes, pre-sultural state), multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, brain traumas. Patients have the opportunity to resemble physiotherapy, physiotherapy, massage.

 Cardiology. Patients with pathology of the cardiovascular system, infarction and acute coronary syndrome (coronary heart disease, anemia, tachyritia, etc.) undergo treatment. Doctors-cardiologists of our Center work under special programs to stabilize the pressure.

 Therapy. Specialists of the Clinical Medical and Surgical Center deal with the successful treatment of respiratory diseases (bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, sarcoidosis), blood circulation, liver, digestive system (stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis), as well as endocrine diseases (diabetes).


Omsk, Bulatova street, 105


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Services provided by the institution:

-Allergology and Immunology




-Traumatology and orthopedics


-Thoracic Surgery


-Ultrasound examinations

-Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

-Laboratory research

-Histological examination